Monday, July 9, 2012

Grand return.

This is my first post in a long while which is of no surprise of course as I have always been notoriously lazy with updating blogs. Hopefully that will change and this blog will be filled up with my late night, brain-dead ramblings and nonsense. One can dream!

Since my last post I have been playing in a lot more Constant Con/Flainsnail games on Google Plus and I have been loving every second of it. The G+ RPG community has been great overall and I've yet to play a game that I haven't had fun in. Everyone has been really nice and quite accommodating to new players (such as me!).

Drawing of our last DCC session

Claytonian's DCC campaign has continued to be my weekly highlight as we meet up every Monday evening to play using Roll20 which has worked it extremely well especially after they added Google Hangout support. I can't put in words how useful and simple Roll20 with Hangouts is, I've found that since we've started using it we've been able to do a lot more in our 2 hour sessions as battles and exploration have been greatly simplified. Getting back to the Dungeon Crawl Classics campaign, it remains consistently fun despite the loss of a few characters now (all mine), an influx of players dropping in and out and the party finding itself getting sidetracked. Claytonian continues to keep us on our toes though! Despite the party tending to find ourselves to scared to finish a dungeon and abandoning it in manly fear, he always has something else waiting for us.Two other favourites of mine would easily have to be Trent B's New Feierland and after an initial game that I played last night, Reynaldo's Barovania.
Typical Feierlander
I'll begin by praising Trent B on his horrible creation. I've had a few characters meet terrible deaths in this setting (Including Steve the Amazing the first PC I ever loved) but not once have I felt cheated. Trent isn't what I'd consider an evil DM, he just enjoys seeing us all in pain. Feierland is a harsh and unforgiving setting where pretty much everything is dangerous. I really can't get enough of it, despite the overtly depressing theme of life in New Feierland and the eventual bloody death my character shall receive. If you were to actually try to survive in Feierland it is of course possible, but where's the fun in that? Trent B encourages stupid and courages actions from PCs, giving them XP rewards for terrible plans and memorable moments which really helps in getting everyone to go crazy.
Barovania is the setting that I wish I made. To put it simply, Barovania is a mix of 80s Nintendo (Mostly Castlevania obviously), Ravenloft and a big ol' bucket of Awesomesauce. Reynaldo is a great DM and seems to have no problem working with whatever crazy schemes the PCs get up to. The use of NES tropes and occasional videogame cameo/reference are what really makes this setting stand out to me. I'd love to have more to say about Barovania (and hopefully I will soon) but having only played one session I don't really have much to write, apart from the fact that I simply cannot wait to return.

I love G+


  1. oh man, that's one of the lucky Feierlanders too.

  2. Damn I need to start signing my name HUGE across the bottom of my DCC session illustrations. Mega lulz on the fierlander. So true haha.
